18 May 2005


I'm in Nice this week for IM 2005, a conference on Integrated Management that addresses the challenges in telecommunications network and service management, and looks forward to the challenges of converged management. The conference draws together a mixed academic and industrial audience, under the auspices of the IEEE Communications Society. The conference is co-located with the larger TeleManagement World sponsored by the TeleManagement Forum:
"The TeleManagement Forum was founded in 1988 as the OSI/Network Management Forum with the goal of accelerating the availability of interoperable network management products. Founding members included AT&T and BT on the service provider side, and suppliers such as Northern Telecom and Hewlett-Packard on the equipment side. By early 1989 it had approved its first OSI/NM Forum Protocol Specification and by 1990 it had 85 members from 13 countries.
The Forum has continued to adapt as the technological and business landscape has developed. Today, the TeleManagement Forum has more than 400 members, runs the industry痴 leading OSS/BSs Conference and Exposition, and its standards are being adopted by the UN body, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).".
Posted by mofoghlu at May 18, 2005 8:51 AM | TrackBack
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