Headway Software (a TSSG spin-in company) has just launched the latest version of their Structure 101 product that allows users to analyse the complexity of their Java source code, and to help manage that complexity. The idea is very simple: despite the heavy use of UML modelling to help with the design of software, most actual deployed software does not have a model, or has drifted from the original model. The Structure 101 product analyses the actual codebase to produce graphical visualisations, and tabulated information, that effectively exposes the existing structure of the code. It employs some simple metrics, so that developers can simply focus on improving the metric, and some more detailed analysis where developers to address potential rogue dependencies.
Full press release is available from the company website: News Headway Software, Structure 101, Version 2. Potential users can download and experiment with a version of the product directly from the website.
Chris Chedgey, CEO of Headway, also has his own blog where, amongst other things, he shows how the product can be used to analyse various open source software projects.
Tweet Posted by mofoghlu at October 11, 2006 1:07 AM