15 January 2007



» Why does the iPhone get so much hype when more capable devices are already available? | The Mobile Gadgeteer | ZDNet.com

I'll hold my fire on the iPhone hype to see how it all works out in practice. I'm a big Apple fan, and a MacBook Pro user, but I'm very happy with my Sony Ericsson P990i for now, and I'll decide whether to move to a new handset or not as the occasion arises. What is strangest for me is the move to using the finger as the pointing decice. On the P990i I use the stylus for writing letters as input, and I can do this very quickly, I cannot see the finger replacing the pen (whilst not as old as the finger, it certainly has a venerable history as a human interface tool) any time soon!

Posted by mofoghlu at January 15, 2007 05:35 PM